E: kevin@callahanlawllc.com
T: 417-987-1077
Legal Services
Legal Fees and Costs
Have you ever noticed lawyers wear expensive watches? After spending years of his practice at large, high-dollar firms whose clientele included Fortune 100 corporations and affluent families and billing over five hundred dollars per hour, Callahan Law believes that there must be a better way.
Abraham Lincoln said that “a lawyer’s time and advice is his stock in trade,” this means checking that watch every six minutes and recording time spent in tenths of an hour. Rather than sending our clients a bill for every short phone call and every thought in the middle of the night, we will determine a fair amount based on our estimate of the expertise, time, and effort and agree with you to a flat fee. If it takes more time than expected, we do not send a surprise bill, we honor the flat fee. Our experience is that our clients appreciate our flat fee structure too.
You may notice that at Callahan Law, we prefer to call a legal practitioner a “lawyer” rather than an “attorney.” This is because “attorney” merely means an agent. You can be an “attorney at law,” “attorney at fact” or “attorney at anything.” A “lawyer” is defined as a person that is learned in the law. Our lawyers have worked hard to gain post-doctoral-level expertise and constantly continue to work hard to provide clients with confidence that the services and advice are well-studied and the best available.
At Callahan Law, we value lawyers with a vision to be something more than just an “attorney” because attorneys wore double-breasted suits, drove BMWs, and looked cool on L.A. Law. We value layers with a vision to fulfill a calling, such as serving churches and ministries or giving refugees a sense of home and dignity. Sometimes those callings require a person to be a lawyer. These are the lawyers we value most.